Based on daily, practical experience




The essential 'Local Presence'

Most German buyers have in the past, experienced problems in dealing with British manufacturers and suppliers. These problems range from trivial to fundamental, but even the smallest problem can become a major negative influence on sales if not handled and resolved quickly and efficiently - and preferably in the German language. German buyers for reasons of legal responsibility as well as administrative convenience, prefer to deal with a permanent local presence; to have local telephone contact, someone within easy reach to answer questions and to react - quickly, and in their own language!


Your Company's Address in Germany

Scott-Taylor Marketing will provide you with an accommodation address and the right to use our address on your letterheads and business cards. We can provide telephone and Telefax facilities, and if required a bi-lingual secretarial service to deal with all your requirements. Geographically well placed with easy motorway access to both northern and southern Germany, Neuwied is easy to reach. By road, Calais is 5 hours away, Zeebrugge 3½ hours. By air, Frankfurt Airport is 1½ hours away and Cologne/Bonn Airport a mere 40 minutes.


S-T M - has experience of over twenty years of trading with and in Germany. The company sells and distributes British products to German buyers and is a Listed Supplier with several major buying houses and most Mail Order catalogues and the main retail store chains. Most of our customers however, are specialist independent retail outlets.


Bureau Service

S-T M will, if you decide to make use of the Local Presence facility, receive your local mail and Telefax the details to you in Britain. We can then take your telefaxed response - if required translate it into German, and have a letter out to your correspondent extremely quickly.


Professional Services, Banking and Accounting

S-T M can help arrange a VAT/MwSt. bank account at any one of several major banks. You can then reclaim all VAT/MwSt. paid by yourself or your employees whilst at Trade Fairs or on sales visits in Germany, from VAT/MwSt. paid on all invoices to your German customers. We also provide introductions to Lawyers and Accountants, and to any other professional or trade associations with which your company should be acquainted.


Market Research

S-T M - could help you to identify and locate suitable outlets for your products and services, and can provide basic market research for most consumer products and appliances. Our principal area of business being that of household products and practical as well as decorative giftware, we will nevertheless, if required organise and monitor - or carry out - detailed market research programs on products outside our own sphere of sales interest.


Sales Promotion

S-T M - will advise you on the preparation of your sales literature ; adapting where possible existing layout and artwork with the help of professional translation services. We can also put you in touch with a local Advertising Agent who will prepare and implement a campaign tailored to suit your individual requirements.


Agents and Distributors.

S-T M - will if required, set up interviews for you with potential agents and or distributors for your products. We can also arrange to be present at such interviews to provide interpretation and translation as necessary.


Public Relations

S-T M - can provide complete Public Relations Services from the production of suitable copy; the organisation of product seminars and Press conferences, through contacts with both National, Trade or special interest Press, to a cuttings service which will monitor your success.


Consignment Stock

S-T M - offers warehouse space for consignment stock of your products for distribution throughout Germany. Regardless of whether or not we take your products into our sales program, we can invoice your customers for you using your own headed invoices, and monitor payment into your own bank account. Your local accountant will look after your tax affairs.


Trade and Technical Product Approvals

S-T M - have technical contacts established to assist you with the acquisition of any approvals necessary for your products to be accepted in Germany - TÜV/GS; VDS; VDE; FTZ, and most other Approvals authorities.


After Sales Service / Guarantee Service

S-T M - can provide Warranty/Guarantee services, repairs and spare parts for your customers from our own fully equipped, and Trade Association approved workshop. Our only stipulation being that an appliance must be transportable via the postal or parcel services.


Trade Fairs and Exhibitions

S-T M – if you wish to exhibit at the Premiere or Ambiente International Fairs in Frankfurt; at Domotechnika; SPOGA/AFA Fair, or the Eisenwarenmesse in Cologne, or just at the regional "Einkaufstage" held in most major cities? We will be happy to advise you on selecting the right Trade Fairs for your product range and to assist you in obtaining a Stand.


Freight Import Service

S-T M - receives consolidated container / trailer deliveries from Britain on a fortnightly basis from a central Consolidation Point in southern England. Shipments received are unloaded and split, and local deliveries are usually effected within 48 hours of arrival. We can also arrange for all export and local importation documentation if required.



For very moderate expense,

Scott-Taylor Marketing

will provide your company with an immediate

presence in Europe's major market place



The Service Package

As a subscriber to the service you are entitled to make use of the following Facilities and Services:-

1. 'Local Presence' - the right to use S-T M's address, Telephone and Telefax numbers in your correspondence.
2. The reassurance that the office and services are fully manned by Bi-lingual staff, for you and your customers, during normal office hours.
3. Four hours Executive Consultation time per month.
4. All Messages and Orders will be accepted at our office by Telephone, Telefax or Mail during normal working hours and passed on by Telefax at no extra charge.


Retainer, payable monthly in advance - on request



Additional Facilities and Services available to Subscribers at standard charges:-

1. Onward Transmission of correspondence by Telefax, including a translation if required.
2. Bi - lingual Secretarial Services (English/German).
3. Translation services for sales literature.
4. Communications assistance at meetings or conferences.
5. Professional Sales and Presentation advice.
6. Freight Services from UK to central Germany, including Loadsplitting and local Distribution by road, rail or parcel.
7. Warehousing of Consignment Stock, Stock Control, Invoicing and the monitoring of Payment.
8. Contacts with Banks, Accountants, Trade Fairs, PR and Advertising, Trade Press, Trade Associations and Approvals Authorities etc.
9. Bi-lingual Executive Consultation Time for meetings and interviews.


The standard List of Charges for additional Facilities and Services is avaliable on Request

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